Monday, July 10, 2023

{ video is the fabulous Reclaiming Community of Northern California & shows the actual Spiral Dance... }

Witches Ball of the past fill our memories and we honor those that Pittsburgh has seen and look forward yet to come. We of The Pittsburgh Black Hat Society are proud to bring you a Witches Ball filled with surprise and splendor, and promise as the years go by we will pour our hearts and spirits into seeing our gatherings grow and creating more beauty and togetherness with each passing event. Here in 2023 we will bringing you memorable treasures like FRENCHY & THE PUNK, BRIAN HENKE, DAVID WOOD, , and so much more ...

 This is the time of year to celebrate the new honor the past and remember those that have passed. This is the Witches New Year. It is the beginning and the end to the wheel of the year. The word Samhain comes from Celtic tradition for this time of the year, but there are as many names as there are faiths and histories. Ossa Dei Morti, is Italian for Bones of the Dead or, Dia de los Muertos, the Spanish Day of the Dead. There are hundreds of celebrations among Pagans for honoring of the dead and the recognition of this night when the veil between the worlds is thinnest and we have the opportunity to commune with those which have gone before.
We will have people from all walks of life attending the Witches Ball, from all faiths & practices, even those who are agnostic. This an open event. We will have a full blown ritual at Midnight, if you do not feel like joining the circle that is fine, nobody is required to take part in the ritual. Also we are going to do a traditional Spiral Dance. "No there will be no nudity or weapons of mass destruction at the event" we also be respecting all in recovery, keeping it totally legal, clothing wise wear them ...

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